The normative framework of restraint systems


CE marking has been mandatory since 1January 2011 for road restraint systems (RRS). It is based on the provisions of the European Standard EN 1317 which defines the performance of the restraint devices and evaluates its efficiency through real-life impact tests.

In France, the RNER (National Regulation of Road Equipment) indicates how CE marked barriers shall be used on road network according to type of roads & traffic conditions.














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All TERTU steel backed timber guardrails have received the CE Marking Certificate of Conformity on December 21st, 2009, issued by Notified Body ASCQUER.

CE certification is two essential steps for maximum safety of Tertu road restraint systems :

  1. 1- Initial Type Testing ITT
  2. 2- Factory Production Control FPC.


Ce certification :

  • – proven performance
  • – the traceability of all the materials used
  • – proven control of the manufacturing process


The quality of Tertu guardrails and their durability in service are established and recognized by the respect of a single standard, community and harmonized.

Download the certificate

Tertu is particularly committed to improve road safety, particularly through its actions within several French and European regulatory bodies.

As such, the company is a member of:

  • – The French Commission for the Standardization of Road Restraint Systems
  • – The French Union of Road Equipment ( SER)
  • – The European Committee for Standardization – Road Restraint Systems section
  • – The International Road Federation The European Road Federation


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ISO 9001 defines the criteria for a management system. This standard is based on a number of quality management principles, including a strong customer focus, motivation and commitment of the company management, process approach and continuous improvement. ISO 9001 helps to ensure that customers get consistent, high-quality products and services with, in return, great business benefits.

Tertu has been ISO 9001 certified since 2003

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Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification

Certification System for Sustainable Forest Management

In a general context increasingly sensitive to environmental issues, the certification of sustainable forest management is now an essential prerequisite for the development of the timber market. To make its approach to the consumer a reality, PEFC imposes a chain of supply monitoring at all stages of processing and marketing of products. The PEFC logo guarantees to the consumer buying a wood product that he contributes to the sustainable management of forests.


With PEFC, the wood industry has a competitive argument against other materials. In comparison with other certification systems around the world, PEFC represents the largest ​​certified forest area.


This certification confirms that all the timber supplied to manufacture our mixed wood & steel barriers come from a sustainable French forest management plan.




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The Douglas Fir : a durable born specie

This noble specie, also called « Oregon Pine » in the U.S.A. combines two well-appreciated qualities : structural resistance and durability 80% of the European production grows in France: Tertu promotes a local specie for competing against exotic wood in outdoor applications.
This specie can be used natural or pressure treated in order to improve its life expectancy and is recyclable.
Meanwhile we continue to promote other locally sourced species as larch, oak, chestnut & black locust in order to answer all demands.

Wood treatment

To increase its durability, the wood could be treated. Tertu ensure a treatment in autoclave without chromium or arsenic. Tertu garanti un traitement en autoclave sans chrome, ni arsenic.[/cl-popup]